The Letterkenny Islamic Association would like to wish all Muslim brothers and sisters in Letterkenny, Co. Donegal and all around the world a blessed month of Ramadan which will, God willing, start on Tuesday the 13th of April. May God accept the best deeds from us and from you. Ameen.
Please find below the Ramadan timetables for both Letterkenny and Donegal town. Please use the timetable for the location closest to you.
Don’t forget there’s also an app for both Android and iPhone with daily prayer times. You can specify your location and it will display the prayer times for you.
Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ie.farend.prayer
Apple iOS: https://apps.apple.com/ie/app/prayer-timetable/id1505376171
Unfortunately, Covid is still here and this means that, like last year, our experience of Ramadan is different to what we’re used to.
As always, we pray to God that He makes this disease pass and helps all of mankind to get through this and with the least suffering. And we pray for all the front line medical staff helping all those who are sick and all those people who are keeping our essential services running. Ameen.
We urge everyone to please follow the guidelines as laid out by the HSE and the government regarding social distancing over the holy month of Ramadan. Even though we can’t pray taraweeh in congregation, we can still pray with our families thank God. And we can have iftar with our families. But we urge people not to go to each other’s houses and to keep with social distancing God willing.
Ramadan is the month of Quran, worship and charity giving. We can still do these things thank God.
If it becomes possible to pray taraweeh later in the month, we shall post an update.
We wish you all a blessed and merciful Ramadan insha Allah.