New Clothing Appeal For Syrian Refugees Abroad – Please Help

The Letterkenny Islamic Association and the Donegal Intercultural Platform are carrying out another clothing appeal for Syrian refugees in refugee camps.

Thanks be to God, the last clothing appeal we did in 2017 was a great success and a large amount of clothing and other items were gathered for the refugees who are in dire need of any and all help we can give them.

Please note that there is an URGENT need for nappies in the camp sites.

The appeal is running until the 16th of March.

For more information on drop off points etc, please visit this page.

Expression of Interest Forms for Students and Volunteers for Islamic School


The Letterkenny Islamic Association is moving forward with the Islamic Club that was started by some brothers and sisters in the community.  May Allah reward them for their efforts.  They are now involved in – and working with – the Letterkenny Islamic Association Committee.

We are now looking to expand the activities in the near future insha Allah.

We have published the two Google forms below to be filled out by people who are interested.

One link is for people interested in enrolling children as students.  The other is for people expressing an interest in volunteering as teachers or just assisting in classes.  The success of the school will rely on the availability of volunteers at this stage so please do come forward if you can spare an hour or two.

Please note: The student form is merely to gauge interest and get an idea of the numbers to help with organisation.  If interest is sufficiently high, we shall start a formal registration process in the future.  For now, please just fill this form in if you are interested in enrolling your children in such a program.

We hope to see a positive response.  If there are any queries, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Letterkenny Islamic School Student Expression of Interest Form

Letterkenny Islamic School Volunteer Form

Note: All data will be stored securely with limited access