Social Gathering and FUN for the Kids on 21st of April – All Welcome!!



The Letterkenny Islamic Association is organising a social gathering with fun for kids on the 21st of April between 2pm and 6 pm insha Allah.

It will be in the hall next to the Poppyseed Bakery (formerly The Vestry) in the St. Conal’s campus.  Please see Google Maps below.

Everyone is encouraged to bring some food.


  • Bouncy Castle
  • Henna Corner
  • Nasheed
  • Quran Recitation
  • Islamic Quiz for kids

See you there insha Allah!!!


New Website for Letterkenny Islamic Community

BismillahIn the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

Alhamdulilah, the Letterkenny Islamic Association (official registered name of the Letterkenny Islamic Community) has produced an official website:

This website will provide information to the Muslims and non-Muslims of Letterkenny of all things concerning the Letterkenny Islamic Community and will, insha Allah, be a way to better inform the community of any announcements and be a way to bring the community closer together.  Check our website often and follow us on twitter to keep up with news.