New Clothing Appeal For Syrian Refugees Abroad – Please Help

The Letterkenny Islamic Association and the Donegal Intercultural Platform are carrying out another clothing appeal for Syrian refugees in refugee camps.

Thanks be to God, the last clothing appeal we did in 2017 was a great success and a large amount of clothing and other items were gathered for the refugees who are in dire need of any and all help we can give them.

Please note that there is an URGENT need for nappies in the camp sites.

The appeal is running until the 16th of March.

For more information on drop off points etc, please visit this page.

Expression of Interest Forms for Students and Volunteers for Islamic School


The Letterkenny Islamic Association is moving forward with the Islamic Club that was started by some brothers and sisters in the community.  May Allah reward them for their efforts.  They are now involved in – and working with – the Letterkenny Islamic Association Committee.

We are now looking to expand the activities in the near future insha Allah.

We have published the two Google forms below to be filled out by people who are interested.

One link is for people interested in enrolling children as students.  The other is for people expressing an interest in volunteering as teachers or just assisting in classes.  The success of the school will rely on the availability of volunteers at this stage so please do come forward if you can spare an hour or two.

Please note: The student form is merely to gauge interest and get an idea of the numbers to help with organisation.  If interest is sufficiently high, we shall start a formal registration process in the future.  For now, please just fill this form in if you are interested in enrolling your children in such a program.

We hope to see a positive response.  If there are any queries, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Letterkenny Islamic School Student Expression of Interest Form

Letterkenny Islamic School Volunteer Form

Note: All data will be stored securely with limited access

Clothing Appeal a Great Success!


Alhamdulilah, all praise be to God, the clothing appeal for the Syrian refugees abroad was a great success!

An appeal was made by the Letterkenny Islamic Association and Donegal Intercultural Platform for clothes, blankets and other items to help the many millions of Syrians of affected by the untold and unimaginable devastation that has affected their country since 2011.  It’s heartbreaking to think that there are some children there who don’t know a life any different 🙁

There were a number of drop off points around the county and the response from the whole community across Donegal from both non-Muslims and Muslims alike has been truly breathtaking!

As you can see from the pictures below, there was a great amount donated that needed not just one but TWO separate collections from both the Letterkenny Islamic Community Centre and Siopa Pobail in Falcarragh.

The room was FULL!

The room in Letterkenny was FULL!

A full van in Letterkenny

A full van in Letterkenny

Aidan and the volunteers after a loading the van

Aidan and the volunteers after a loading the van

A great collection in Falcarragh

Paul and the others after a great collection in Falcarragh

The items donated were collected by Aidan Crawford of the St. Vincent de Paul Society in the north of Ireland.  Aidan has been working closely with the charity Syria Appeal in England and, since his presidency of the St. Vincent de Paul society has come to an end, he has set up a new charity called HeartShip which will continue to help Syrians abroad.  God bless Aidan and all those in his organisation who do this great work and keep them safe from harm in this dangerous area of the world.  Amen.

We plan to do regular clothing appeals since this was such a success to keep your eyes pealed if you’d like to donate in the future!

€1,300 Raised for We Care LK Food Bank Through Successful First Charity Fasting Challenge


Alhamdulilah, all praise be to God, a total of €1,300 was raised for the We Care LK Food Bank!!

Photo Courtesy of Donegal News

Photo Courtesy of Donegal News

The money was raised through a combination of money raised through the Charity Fasting Challenge on Friday the 23rd of June along with money donated by the local Muslim community throughout the month of Ramadan.

During the Charity Fasting Challenge, non-Muslims were invited to fast for one day with Muslims and were invited to break their fast along with the Muslim community at sunset in the Letterkenny Community Centre.  There was food from all over the world and it was a great occasion.

We did it!!

We did it!!

Part of the spread. Delicious!

Part of the spread. Delicious!

A good night's craic!

A good night’s craic!

The money was raised during the month of Ramadan which is one of the most sacred months of the year for Muslims.  During this month, Muslims observe fasting from dawn to dusk for a month.  Whilst fasting, Muslims refrain from eating or drinking (even water), smoking, sexual relations and generally try harder to be a better human being by trying to be more patient and making extra effort to control their temper amongst other things.  A general training of the soul.  This is considered to be part of the tradition of fasting as carried out by Christians and Jews which are considered part of the Abrahamic faiths along with Islam.

Whilst fasting, Muslims feel what it’s like to be truly hungry and appreciate the plight of those who can’t feed themselves or have access to clean water.  This appreciation is supposed to lead to greater donations in charity to those in need.  The local We Care LK Food Bank do great work in supporting those in Letterkenny and across Donegal who need this kind of support regardless of their race, creed or colour.  God bless them for all their hard work.  Amen.

The donation presentation was covered in the Donegal News here.

The Letterkenny Islamic Association are planning to hold this event every year so keep an eye out towards the start of next Ramadan!

Eid Dish Party Sunday the 3rd of September from 3 to 6 pm insha Allah

BismillahIn celebration of Eid ul-Adha, there will be an Eid dish party in the Letterkenny Community Centre insha Allah.

As we’ve done in previous Eid parties, this will be a dish party where everyone is encouraged to bring food and sweets so that we can all share our international tastes.  There’ll be food from Sudan, Pakistan, Morocco, Egypt, Bangladesh, India and lots more countries so don’t miss out on the chance to taste them all! 🙂

Plates, cutlery etc will be provided.

There will be a bouncy castle and play area for children as well and maybe a few other surprises for the kids 😉

It’s always a fun occasion for all the family.  Both adults and children enjoy the occasion.  So don’t miss it!!

Venue: Letterkenny Community Centre

Date: Sunday the 3rd of September

Time: 3 – 6 pm

Looking forward to seeing you there insha Allah!!

Eid Mubarak – Friday the 1st of September insha Allah

BismillahAl Salam Alaykom wa Rahmat Allah wa Barakatu

The Letterkenny Islamic Association wishes to congratulate all Muslims in Letterkenny, Co. Donegal and all around the world on the occasion of Eid ul-Adha which is confirmed for Friday the 1st of September insha Allah.

May God accept from us and from you.

Eid prayers will start at 8:15 sharp in the Letterkenny Community centre insha Allah.  We will start doing takbeer from 8 insha Allah.

As with other Eid prayers, the whole family is encouraged to come so sisters and children can enjoy the occasion as well.  We ask everyone to please bring prayer mats with them from home as the numbers have gotten very high in recent times.

Eid Mubarak!

Clothing Appeal

Please help the Syrian refugees in camp sites around the world stay warm this winter
Please donate clothes, blankets and other items

In 2016, the United Nations (UN) identified 13.5 million Syrians requiring humanitarian assistance. The vast majority of whom are currently living in refugee camps in Turkey, Greece and other countries. These places get extremely cold and many often die in the winter time as temperatures drop sharply. As always, the worst affected are children. Heartbreakingly, many have not known a life outside of a campsite.

We are asking for your help to send things they desperately need like clothes, blankets and other items. Please help.

The Letterkenny Islamic Association is working with the Donegal Intercultural Platform and the Society of St. Vincent de Paul in the north who are transporting clothes to where they are needed.

We are asking for your help to donate whatever you can for this worthy cause. To respect the dignity of the refugees, we ask that you only donate items that you would use yourself (i.e. no torn, dirty or worn out items).
Please Donate

● Clothes
● Blankets
● Cuddly toys
● Over the counter medication
● Toiletries
● Nappies
● Shoes
● Socks
● NEW underwear
Please drop off your clothes, blankets and other items to any one of the following collection points by the 11th of August:
Letterkenny Islamic Community Centre 2 Meadowbank Park, Long lane Saturdays (11am- 1pm).
Siopa Pobail, Main street Falcaragh, Monday to Saturday (10am – 5pm).
The Exchange, Ardaravan, Buncrana, Monday to Friday (9am – 1.30pm).
Thrift shop (Next to Donegal Women’s centre), Port road, Letterkenny, Monday to Saturday (10 am – 5 pm).
You can contact 0860841433 (Intercultural Platform) for information and advice
This is a joint initiative of the Letterkenny Islamic Association ( and The Donegal Intercultural Platform (

Eid Dish Party Sunday the 2nd of July from 5 to 7 pm insha Allah

BismillahIn celebration of Eid ul-Fitr, there will be an Eid dish party in the Letterkenny Community Centre insha Allah.

As we’ve done in previous Eid parties, this will be a dish party where everyone is encouraged to bring food and sweets so that we can all share our international tastes.  There’ll be food from Sudan, Pakistan, Morocco, Egypt, Bangladesh, India and lots more countries so don’t miss out on the chance to taste them all! 🙂

Plates, cutlery etc will be provided.

There will be a bouncy castle and play area for children as well and maybe a few other surprises for the kids 😉

It’s always a fun occasion for all the family.  Both adults and children enjoy the occasion.  So don’t miss it!!

Venue: Letterkenny Community Centre

Date: Sunday the 2nd of July

Time: 5 – 7 pm

Looking forward to seeing you there insha Allah!!

Eid Mubarak – Sunday the 25th insha Allah

BismillahAl Salam Alaykom wa Rahmat Allah wa Barakatu

The Letterkenny Islamic Association wishes to congratulate all Muslims in Letterkenny, Co. Donegal and all around the world on the occasion of Eid ul-Fitr which is confirmed for Sunday the 25th of June insha Allah.

May God accept from us and from you.

Eid prayers will start at 10:30 in the Letterkenny Community centre insha Allah.

As with other Eid prayers, the whole family is encouraged to come so sisters and children can enjoy the occasion as well.

Zakat ul-Fitr is €7 per person payable by the head of the household.  Please remember to pay this before praying Eid prayers.  There will be a box provided in the hall if you don’t manage to pay this before then.

Please try and bring your own prayer mat.

Eid Mubarak!

Take the Charity Fasting Challenge and Help Local Food Bank!!

The Letterkenny Islamic Association would like to extend an invitation to all non-Muslims to take part in the Charity Fasting Challenge.

We’re raising money for the local We Care LK Food Bank through a sponsored fast to coincide with the month of Ramadan.  So we’re encouraging everyone to give it a go and help them out!

Ways to Donate/Take Part

There is a downloadable sponsorship form so you can get your friends and family to sponsor you and show them you’re up for the challenge! 🙂

Charity Fasting Challenge Sponsorship Form

What’s this sponsored fast about?

We’re encouraging people to try fasting the way Muslims do for one day during Ramadan on Friday the 23rd of June.  All money raised will be given to the We Care LK Food Bank.  People below the poverty line often rely on these food banks to be able to feed themselves and their children.  Please help them out!

Come Break Your Fast With Us

We’d love you to come and break your fast as our guest and sample some delicious ethnic food.  We regret that places are limited.  If you’d like to join us, please fill out the Google form at the link below and come along to the Letterkenny Community Centre on Friday the 23rd of June at 10 pm.  Just bring yourselves and an empty stomach.  We’ll take care of the rest!  There’ll even be a bouncy castle so bring the kids!

Breakfast Registration

What’s this Ramadan all about?

Ramadan is one of the holy months in the Islamic calendar.  Kinda like lent but for Muslims.  Muslims fast from dawn to dusk every day for a month.  Whilst fasting, Muslims abstain from eating, drinking (even water), sexual relations and generally try extra hard to be a better person.  That means trying extra hard not to lose their temper, gossip, backbite or anything else.  It’s a form of worship where the idea is to get better at self-restraint (it’s like a workout for the soul) and to feel empathy for and really understand what it’s like for people around the world who may have a lack of food or clean water.

Muslims believe that fasting is a commandment from God.  The same God that Christians and Jews believe in.  Muslims view Islam as a continuation of the message of previous messengers of God who are shared in Islam (e.g. Jesus, Moses, Abraham etc).

For how long do they fast for exactly?

Ramadan starts approximately 10 days earlier each year.  This year, it started in the last week of May and will go on till the last week of June.  That means the longest day of fasting this year will be from just before 3 am to just after 10 pm.

What?!!  19 hours without even water?!

Yep.  Though it’s easier than you might think.  People prepare by making sure to drink plenty of water the night before and eat foods that give a slow release of energy and water (like beans and cucumber).  If someone is feeling dangerously faint then they really must and are expected to break their fast.  You’re not supposed to hurt yourself!  Some scholars say that fasting a smaller number of hours in countries where the day is so long is fine and some people choose to follow this opinion.

If you are planning on fasting, please be sure to eat a good meal full of protein and carbohydrates late the night before.

Who fasts?

Generally, anybody from the age of puberty onwards fasts.  Those who don’t have to fast include children, people travelling and women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.

IMPORTANT: Who DEFINITELY shouldn’t fast?

There are certain categories of people who should not fast for medical or other reasons.  These include people who have an illness or a condition that would prevent them from fasting or where fasting would be dangerous for them.  If someone is not feeling well for any reason or is experiencing something that may make it particularly difficult to go without food or water, they shouldn’t fast.

Be safe!

If you are feeling unwell or dangerously faint – please break your fast!  We don’t want anybody getting hurt!  Muslims who are fasting and feel faint are expected to break their fast and the same goes for anyone taking on this challenge.

Good luck!