Eid Dish Party – Saturday 9th of July from 6 – 8 pm

BismillahIn celebration of Eid ul-Fitr, there will be an Eid dish party in the Letterkenny Community centre insha Allah.

This will be a dish party where everyone is encouraged to bring food/dessert so that we can all share our international tastes 🙂

Plates, cutlery etc will be provided.

There will be a bouncy castle and play area for children.

The party is always a great opportunity for children and adults alike to meet and have a good time.  Don’t miss out!!

Venue: Letterkenny Community Centre

Date: Saturday the 9th of July

Time: 6 – 8 pm

Looking forward to seeing you there insha Allah!!

Ramadan Mubarak – from Monday the 6th of June insha Allah


The Letterkenny Islamic Association would like to wish all Muslim brothers and sisters in Letterkenny, Co. Donegal and all around the world a blessed month of Ramadan which started today on Monday the 6th of June.  May Allah accept the best deeds from us and from you.  Ameen.

Ramadan Timetable for Letterkenny 2016 (courtesy of islaminireland.com)

Taraweeh prayers started yesterday evening at 11:30 PM in the community building at the Letterkenny Community Centre.

Please see the map to the Letterkenny Community Centre below.

The community building is the building directly to the right of the main building.  Please see below photograph.

community building

Friday Prayer Location Changing from the 27th of November Onwards

BismillahThe location where Friday prayers are held is changing.

The number of people praying in Friday prayers in Letterkenny has grown in leaps and bounds over the last few years!  On the one hand, this is a good thing as it means the numbers of Muslims in Letterkenny is growing alhamdulilah 🙂  On the other hand, it’s meant that we’ve had a challenge dealing with the numbers during Friday prayers.

Letterkenny General Hospital have been very accommodating over nearly 20 years and the Muslim community would like to thank them for this.  However, the growing numbers have caused issues and we needed to find an alternative location to pray.

Starting from the 27th of November onwards, Friday prayers will now be held at the Letterkenny Community Centre.

Please take note of the following information:

Start Date: 27th of November

Khutba Start Time: 1:15 PM  (prayers held from 1 to 2 PM)

Venue: Letterkenny Community Centre (community building – to the right of the main building)

Please note the earlier time of the khutba which is now 15 minutes earlier at 1:15 PM

Please see the map to the Letterkenny Community Centre below.

The community building is the building directly to the right of the main building.  Please see below photograph.

community building

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Eid Party – Sunday the 4th of October from 4 – 6:30

BismillahIn celebration of Eid ul-Adha, there will be an Eid party in the Letterkenny Community centre insha Allah.

As in the previous party for Eid ul-Fitr, food will be provided.

We would appreciate it if people could bring sweet dishes to share in the celebration of Eid.  There is no obligation to do so but it would be nice 🙂

We ask people to make the following contributions towards the expenses of the party.

€10 per single man/woman OR €20 for a whole family.  Any surplus will go towards the masjid funds.  People are welcome to donate more if they wish to.  Jazakom Allah khairan.

There will be a bouncy castle and play area for children as well as children’s activities for all age groups from 4 to 5 pm.

The last party was a resounding success and was the best and largest Eid party in Letterkenny’s history.  Insha Allah this one will be just as good… if not better!

Plan for the party is as follows:

4 – 5 pm: Games and activities for children from ages 4 – 15

5 pm: Buffet open

5:30 pm – 6:30 pm: Open play area for the children.

Venue: Letterkenny Community Centre

Date: Sunday the 4th of October

Time: 4 pm – 6:30 pm

Looking forward to seeing you there insha Allah!!

Eid Mubarak – Thursday the 24th of September insha Allah

BismillahAl Salam Alaykom wa Rahmat Allah wa Barakatu

The Letterkenny Islamic Association wishes to congratulate all Muslims around the world on the occasion of Eid ul-Adha which is confirmed for Thursday the 24th of September insha Allah.

Eid prayers will be in the Letterkenny Community centre at 8:15 am insha Allah.

As with other Eid prayers, the whole family is encouraged to come so sisters and children can enjoy the occasion as well.

Please try and bring your own prayer mat.

Eid Mubarak!

Eid Mubarak – Friday the 17th of July insha Allah

BismillahAl Salam Alaykom wa Rahmat Allah wa Barakatu

The Letterkenny Islamic Association wishes to congratulate all Muslims around the world on the occasion of Eid ul-Fitr which is confirmed for Friday the 17th of July insha Allah.  May Allah accept the best of deeds from us and you insha Allah.

Eid prayers will be in the Letterkenny Community centre at 8:15 am insha Allah.

As with other Eid prayers, the whole family is encouraged to come so sisters and children can enjoy the occasion as well.

Please try and bring your own prayer mat.

Eid Mubarak!

Eid Party – Sunday the 19th of July from 2 – 4:30

BismillahIn celebration of Eid ul-Fitr, there will be an Eid party in the Letterkenny Community centre insha Allah.

Please note that unlike previous years, food will be provided.

We would appreciate it if people could bring sweet dishes to share in the celebration of Eid.  There is no obligation to do so but it would be nice 🙂

We ask people to make the following contributions towards the expenses of the party.  Most of the food is being generously given by the local Chilli Shaker Indian restaurant.  We thank them for their generosity.  May Allah reward them.  Some other food is being provided and organised by the masjid committee.

We people to contribute €10 per single man/woman OR €20 for a whole family.  Any surplus will go towards the masjid funds.  People are welcome to donate more if they wish to.  Jazakom Allah khairan.

There will be a bouncy castle and play area for children as well as children’s activities for all age groups from 2 to 3 pm.

This party is always popular with children and adults alike so don’t miss it!  Everyone always has a great time and this year promises to be one of the best yet insha Allah.

Plan for the party is as follows:

2 – 3 pm: Games and activities for children from ages 4 – 15

3:15 pm – 3:30 pm: Women will visit the buffet

3:30 – 3:45 pm: Men will visit the buffet

3:45 pm – 4:30 pm: Open play area for the children.

Venue: Letterkenny Community Centre

Date: Sunday the 19th of July

Time: 2 pm – 4:30 pm

Looking forward to seeing you there insha Allah!!

Ramadan Mubarak – from Thursday insha Allah


The first day of Ramadan will be Thursday the 18th of June insha Allah.

The Letterkenny Islamic Association would like to wish all Muslim brothers and sisters in Letterkenny and around the world a blessed month of Ramadan.  May Allah accept the best deeds from us and from you.  Ameen.

Taraweeh prayer will start from Wednesday evening at 11:30 PM near to the Friday prayer room insha Allah.

Ramadan Timetable for Letterkenny (courtesy of islaminireland.com)

AGM Sunday 19th October at 2 pm

salamThe AGM of the Letterkenny Islamic Association will take place this weekend.

Date: Sunday the 19th of October

Time: 2 pm

Location: Masjid

A review of the year’s activities will take place including a financial review of the year as well as a look ahead to the coming year.

Everyone is welcome to come and we urge all those who are interested in the activities of the masjid to attend.

Jazak Allah kheir.

Eid Mubarak – Eid Prayer in Aura Leisure Centre

BismillahAl Salam Alaykom wa Rahmat Allah wa Barakatu

Eid Mubarak!!  The Letterkenny Islamic Association would like to wish all Muslim brothers and sisters all over County Donegal and the world a blessed Eid ul-Adha insha Allah.

Please note that Eid prayers this time around will be held in Aura Leisure Centre and NOT in the Letterkenny Community Centre as usual.

Prayers will be from 8:15 (4th of October 2014)

As with other Eid prayers, the whole family is encouraged to come so sisters and children can enjoy the occasion as well.

Aura Leisure Centre is a 1 minute drive from Letterkenny on the road to Glenties.  With the old Dunnes Stores on your left and Tin Tai Chinese Restaurant and Black’s newsagent on your right, drive for about 1 km.  The entrance to Aura leisure centre is on your left before the first roundabout.

Details of the location can be found in the map below.

Please bring your own prayers mats with you.  Jazak Allah kheir.